Portfolio.v2 is my 2nd portfolio website. This site showcased my growth as a web developer after my internship at FarmAfield and is a playground for me to test new ideas. It contains the same content as my first portfolio but is written in a completely different tech stack. The design was inspired by Netflix.
The hero image was taken in Iceland during my study abroad trip in 2022.
The card cover images were from
which were designed in Adobe Express and Figma.
The logo/favicon was designed in Adobe Express as a png, then traced in Figma for SVG. Sadly Adobe Express doesn't support export to SVG.
Adobe has a converter tool, but it's hit-or-miss. So I usually just use Figma and trace the outline with a pen tool. Then export the frame as an SVG.
Development Details
I developed it in Django, which is a full-stack web framework that uses python in the backend and HTML, CSS, JavaScript in the frontend.
Hosting & Deployment
Portfolio.v2's code lives on GitHub and is hosted by Vercel which can be found here: